Service Info
Minemachi Christ Church has 5 services in total on each weekend.
Each service has a distinctive characteristic.
We wholeheartedly welcome you at every service.

About sermonA talk from the Bible
The sermon is the same at every service.

About worshipSongs at the service
The style of worship songs is different according to the service.
The first service
10am - 11am
Simple instrumental accompaniment with a guitar or piano
The second service
7pm - 8pm
Simple instrumental accompaniment with a guitar or piano
The first service
Simple instrumental accompaniment with a guitar or piano
The second service
Traditional hymns
The third service
with English & Chinese translation
with English & Chinese translation
Contemporary worship & Gospel songs with a full band
Mission Statement~We are thankful to worship the Lord together with you~
Our church grows in strength through worship and church service, grows in warmth though fellowship, grows in depth through ministry, grows in largeness through missions, and we exist to give spiritually, emotionally and physically impressive experiences and peace to people who come to church.
~Statement of Faith~
- The Bible is all flawless God’s word and the only standard for faith and life.
- God is the Creator of all and is the true living God, eternally existing in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God, and was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He was crucified on the cross and died for the sin of human kind, was resurrected by the power of the Almighty God and rules everything at God’s glorious throne.
- Salvation of Jesus Christ is deliverance from sin and the power of death. Those who believe in Jesus Christ are justified thus righteous, and are born again, sanctified and glorified by the Holy Spirit.
- All believers are united together by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ - The Church that is universal and regularly attended for the service.
- Jesus Christ will return to the world as the righteous Judge. All who believe in Christ will inherit the eternal life and All unbelievers who reject Christ will be ultimately punished and eternally separated from God forever.